"I didn't think in my wildest imagination that my invention would be recognised by someone."

Tien-Tse Chu

Jesus College, 2017

Tien-Tse Chu

Jesus College, 2017

Early in 2017, Jesus College, Oxford launched a series of entrepreneurial events in the light of turning Jesus College into a entrepreneurial hub. Tien-Tse Chi took part in a entrepreneurial seminar featuring several Jesus College alumni sharing their story of building a business. There were exciting talks given by Dr. Fujia Chen for her SpaceCot and Aron for his Bloom & wilds. Richard Paice (Traverse Trust founder) launched our scholarship for young entrepreneurs in Jesus College, this reminded Tien-Tse Chu of a long lost idea.

“It was ten years ago when I was in high school, and there is a national wide innovation competition held annually in my city. Inspired by the fact that a lot of people around me were victims of mobile phone thefts, I came up with the idea of developing a security mobile phone chain.”

Tien-Tse Chu was awarded their start up fund, and Fujia was assigned to be their project mentor. At that time, the idea was still in it's early stages and Tien-Tse Chu had limited knowledge of industrial design, software and electronic development. However, they were able to build a core team which involved another D.Phil student studying engineering in Oxford, and a high school alumni majored in industrial design. They had their first prototype 3D-printed, and even won a local startup business competition.

”During this time, I have had innumerous help from Mr. Paice, Dr. Chen, Mr. Wilson from our college alumni association, and my friends around me, and even strangers. Each time when I talked about my project being stuck, people around always offer a hand.”

                                                                           — Tien-Tse Chu

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