Open Book

Goldsmiths University of London, 2005-2009

Open Book

Goldsmiths University of London, 2005-2009

From 2005-2009, Traverse Trust funded members of the Open Book community at Goldsmiths, University of London, to support their training as teachers. Open Book works with a network of agencies to support people from a wide range of non-traditional backgrounds such as people who have struggled with addiction and mental health and ex-offenders.

“We identify with each other, remove the stigma of shame. It’s no wonder people can’t learn when their brains are preoccupied. We help to free up their headspace. We aim to tell the truth to each other as well as succeed academically.“

— Fiona Taylor, Open Book Education Coordinator & Facilitator

Their aim is to break down the barriers that discourage people from entering higher education. Open to everyone, they run a wide range of drop-in classes in academic, health & wellbeing, media and arts-based subjects.

Traverse Trust sponsored Fiona Taylor and James Carney to train to provide more specialist support for many of the new members to the programme who were Dyslexic. Both Fiona and James, arrived at Open Book as students. Fiona worked alongside Joe Baden (Director) from the beginning of the project, gaining a Masters degree in History of Art along the way; James arrived at Open Book through an addiction project, has gained a History degree and is now the projects Dyslexia Coordinator.

“I knew I needed education and Open Book was introduced by another prisoner. He gave me a brochure and said ‘check this out.’ I came here with no background in college or school. I got lots of help in coming to terms with who I am. They helped me believe in myself.”

                                               — Azra, Open Book student

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